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Tredegar & Ebbw Vale Camera Clubs
Spring - Summer Programme 2018
23rd March : Frame and hang new display images in reception and stairwell at LAC. Numbers required of landscape and portrait layouts TBA.
30th March: Easter break. LAC closed. Any suggestions for other locations/field trips please contact Ann.
6th April: Easter break. LAC closed. Any suggestions for other locations/field trips please contact Ann.
13th April: Easter break. LAC closed. Any suggestions for other locations/field trips please contact Ann.
20th April: Internal competition. Internally judged and critiqued. Subject: 'What I did at Easter' Up to 4 images per member may be entered. Format: Dpi. Dpi's to be supplied on a memory stick on the night.
27th April: John Lundy will be doing a presentation of prints that chart his photographic journey
through the years.
4th May: Club members will be venturing outside to capture images around our town, then returning to the meeting room to view and discuss images taken.
(In case of bad weather, this session will be swopped over with 11th May)
11th May: Members have been divided into 2 groups, A & B. Each member will present 5 images (dpi's) and and do a 15 minute presentation about the images and the area of photography that interests them the most. This evening will be the turn of group A with group B on 15th June.
18th May: April Games will be doing a presentation on how to use light to 'paint' your model and advice and tips on poses and ways to work with the model to get the best from them. *Images for next weeks competition must be handed in by end of session tonight
25th May: Internal competition. Subject: Architecture. This competition will have an external judge who will mark and critique all images entered. Up to 3 printed and mounted images each. *Images must be handed in by Friday 18th May
1st June: Half term. LAC closed. Any suggestions for other locations/field trips please contact Ann.
8th June: Hilary Swallow will be doing a presentation on polarisation macro work with information about its use and how and when to get the best results for your images.
15th June: Members have been divided into 2 groups, A & B. Each member will present 5 images (dpi's) and and do a 15 minute presentation about the images and the area of photography that interests them the most. This evening will be the turn of group B (group A was on 11th May).
22nd June: Internal competition. Internally judged and critiqued. Subject: 'Landscape or seascape' Up to 4 images per member may be entered. Format: Dpi. Dpi's to be supplied on a memory stick on the night.
29th June: An evening with Welsh photographer Tim Knifton LRPS, CPAGB, AFIAP, AWPF PSA Tim is an ex-professional photographer, who is now just in it for the hobby. Urbex, landscape, macro and travel subjects are all his passion. He will be presenting an evening of insight and images under the banner of 'The art of urban exploration' Tim’s Facebook page – Tim’s Flickr profile –
6th July: Internal competition. Externally judged and critiqued. Subject: 'Humour & Creative' Up to 4 images per member may be entered. Format: Dpi. Dpi's to be supplied on a memory stick on the night. The presentation by Ian Knight on the use of layers within Photoshop has been postponed and will now take place on 14th September.
13 July: In preparation for the 'Jim Holland' competition next term, you are invited to bring along up to 3 images per member. Format: Dpi. These will be judged and critiqued by the members on the night to decided which images shall be entered into the competition. A total of 13 images will be chosen to represent our club. Dpi's to be supplied on a memory stick on the night.
20th July: 'Strictly come photography' This is an opportunity for a rotating group of club members to judge and critique other members images - this allows all club members to judge and be judged in turn. A chance to see our work through other members eyes and and an opportunity to learn from each other. This evenings judges are April, Ian and John. Subject: Open Up to 3 images per member may be entered. Format: Dpi. Dpi's to be supplied on a memory stick on the night. ​
27th July: ‘Bug hunt’ at Garn Lakes. Chris Carsley to lead an evening of bug and insect macro imaging. You will need to bring bug repellent (ladies wear perfume at your own peril :-)). Hat. Walking boots/covered shoes. Binoculars. Macro/telephoto lens. Camera (of course!) You will not need a tripod. Following our bug hunt, it is suggested that we go down to the pub and sort out some events we would like to see on the enxt terms programme. This is a 6.30pm start. ** Directions**: On the road Brynmawr to Blaenavon road..B4248 Driving towards Blaenavon you will pass the ‘Racehorse Inn’ on your right. Continue on that road for 1 mile and you will see a sign for the ‘Whistler’ pub to your right just before a cattle grid on the main road., take that turning to the right and immediately turn left into a small car park. (If you go over a cattle grid on the B4248 you have gone too far). The post code for your SatNav is NP4 9SJ.
The club will then close down for the summer break and restart in September.
Any suggestions for the new term programme, or other locations/field trips please contact Ann Yates.
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